Market Capitalization is the total dollar market value of all of a company's outstanding shares.
| Market Capitalization | Market capitalization refers to the total dollar market value of a company's outstanding shares. Commonly referred to as "market cap," it is calculated by multiplying a company's shares outstanding by the current market price of one share. The investment community uses this figure to determine a company's size, as opposed to using sales or total asset figures. | | | Related to "Market Capitalization" | | | | Market Value | Market value is the price an asset would get in the marketplace. Market value also refers to the market capitalization of a publicly-traded company. Read More | | | | | Capital Markets | "Capital Markets" refers to activities that gather funds from some entities and make them available to other entities needing funds. Read More | | | Shares | Shares are a unit of ownership of a company that may be purchased by an investor. Read More | | | | | | | | | Follow Us: |  |  | | | | | | |
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