Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Lessons From the Pros

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From The Pros
December 17, 2018
Featured  |  By Gabe Velazquez
Are You keeping Your Trading Simple?
'Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.' This is one of my favorite quotes. You may think this pithy saying comes from some literary giant like Shakespeare, Dickens or perhaps Mark Twain; but, in fact it was Theodor Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss, who is no slouch when it comes to…read more
Options  |  By Russ Allen
Tax Considerations for Investors
It's near the end of the year, when every young (or old) man's (or woman's) thoughts turn to taxes. For investors, there are several things to think about regarding taxes. We'll talk here about one of the more significant ones. Note: These comments are for educational purposes only. Before making any decision regarding taxes, you… read more
Education Resource  |  By Dr. Jeff Barke
8 Simple Ways to Save Money on Your Health
Healthcare can be expensive and confusing. The fact that the world of healthcare is ever changing increases makes healthcare costs and insurance even harder to understand. However, with a little planning and understanding you can save a significant amount of money on your healthcare expenses. Health Care Tips That Can Save You Money Avoid Disease… read more
The Week Ahead  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
We Are Expecting a Crazy Week in the Markets
There are several potentially volatile announcements coming out this week and among them are several interest rate numbers. Are you ready for some action?
We Are Expecting a Crazy Week in the Markets
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