Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Lessons From the Pros

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From The Pros
December 31, 2018
Featured  |  By Brandon Wendell
S&P 500 and the Future of Equity Markets
Happy New Year! A few weeks ago, I published an article where I discussed my view of the equity markets and predicted some of the activity to expect from them in 2019. This week, we will dive deeper into one of those markets for a more in-depth analysis. We will be examining the S&P 500…read more
Real Estate  |  By Diana Hill
Tips When Buying U.S. Properties From or Selling to Expats and Foreigners
In 2018, 'Canadians purchased approximately 27,400 residential real estate properties in the U.S. valued at $10.5 billion dollars…. The average purchase price was $383,900 and the median price was $292,000. Canadians were responsible for about 10% of all foreign real estate sales in the U.S.' according to CanadatoArizona. This is amazing since Canadian currency is… read more
Education Resource  |  By Rich Magnone
When To Review Your Estate Plan
Other than perhaps philosophers, most people do not like to contemplate their own demise. Even fewer enjoy the idea of planning for it! So most folks prepare an estate plan, put it in a safety deposit box and forget it. That could be a fatal estate planning mistake. Why Should You Review Your Estate Plan?… read more
The Week Ahead  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
Starting Off the New Year with a Bang… or not…
The New Year may start out with a bang but the markets probably won’t. Let’s see if it heats up the latter half of the week.
Starting Off the New Year with a Bang… or not…
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