Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lessons From the Pros

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Lessons From The Pros November 18, 2019
Featured  |  By Gabe Velazquez
A Trader’s Relationship with Risk
Scale with one rock on one side and three rocks on the other
When I started in this business back in 1987, one of the first events I witnessed was a Market crash now infamously known as Black Monday. When this happened, I was a rookie broker and had very little money, no experience and not many clients to speak of. What came from that experience were some…read more
Retirement Planning – Challenges Of Retirement
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OTAcademy Videos  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
Retirement Planning – Challenges Of Retirement
Life expectancy is increasing which means retirees have some added challenges. Watch to learn about five common concerns for retirees and how diligence with retirement funds is key.
Proactive Investor  |  By Russ Allen
Tax Strategy for Allocating Investments
Today I want to talk about a tax-related issue that applies to many if not all, investors – the allocation of funds to minimize taxes. Different kinds of investments provide different levels of returns, each with its own particular risks. In general, investments that generate returns whose long-term average is high… read more
The Week Ahead  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
The Year is Winding Down but the Announcement Calendar Isn’t Just Yet
The week is chocked full with earnings reports and economic announcements. Make sure you are in the know about the stocks you are trading.
The Year is Winding Down but the Announcement Calendar Isn’t Just Yet
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