Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Lessons From the Pros

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From The Pros
October 15, 2018
Featured  |  By Brandon Wendell
Keep Calm and Trade On
When we are putting our money at risk in the financial markets it is easy to get nervous and excited. These common emotions can wreak havoc on our trading accounts if not put into check. I was reminded of this while teaching an Extended Learning Track course online recently and thought of the huge benefits…read more
Options  |  By Russ Allen
Using Puts vs Stop-loss Orders to Protect Stock Positions – Part 2
In my last options article, I described two simple ways to limit losses on a stock or ETF position in case of a major down move. One way is to use a stop-loss order. The second is to buy Put options as protection. As a quick review, the pros and cons are: Stop-loss order: Pros:… read more
Education Resource  |  By Larry Jacobson
10 Ways to Stick to a Budget
Most adults tend to learn their good or bad savings/spending habits by observing their parents, friends or from their own childhood experiences. As a result, these experiences often dictate how they will either emotionally, or strategically, manage their own relationship with money. Will they be confident, fearful, frugal or thrifty? When one has an unhealthy… read more
The Week Ahead  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
Will October Take the Title for Worst Month of 2018?
September is historically the worst trading month of the year, but October seems to be taking that title for 2018 thus far.
Will October Take the Title for Worst Month of 2018?
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