Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Lessons From the Pros

Weekly Newsletter

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From The Pros
March 18, 2019
Featured  |  By Rick Wright
Adjusting Pip Targets in Changing Markets
Hello traders! This week's newsletter is going to discuss the lowly expectations we have come to accept in the current forex market of late. Last week I was teaching a futures class (yes, I know, a different asset class!) in our beautiful Houston, Texas campus. One of the questions that came up at lunch was,…read more
Intro to Stock Trading and How Stocks Work
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OTAcademy Videos  |  By Kayla Christine
Intro to Stock Trading and How Stocks Work
What is a stock? When you buy a stock, you own a piece of a publicly traded company. Because of its popularity and available historical data, the stock market is a great place for a new trader or investor to find good stocks and begin trading. It’s important for beginning investors to understand stocks and…
Specialty Skills  |  By Dr. Woody Johnson
The Benefits of Mindful Meditation for your Trading
Mindfulness, over the past few years, has become synonymous with meditation. Now, that doesn't mean that all who read this missive will know that to be true. In fact, there are still great numbers of people, traders included, who have no clue that this is so. Additionally, when the word trading is coupled with meditation,… read more
The Week Ahead  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
Brexit Causing Wild Fluctuations in the Currency Market
UK votes have cause some ups and downs in the currency markets which, along with some rate announcements coming out could continue to stir things up.
Brexit Causing Wild Fluctuations in the Currency Market
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