The Group of 20, or G-20, is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 19 of the world's largest economies and the European Union.
 | Group of 20 (G-20) | The Group of 20, also called the G-20, is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 19 of the world's largest economies, including those of many developing nations, along with the European Union. Formed in 1999, the G-20 has a mandate to promote global economic growth, international trade, and regulation of financial markets.
Because the G-20 is a forum, not a legislative body, its agreements and decisions have no legal impact, but they do influence countries' policies and global cooperation. Together, the economies of the G-20 countries represent about 90% of the gross world product (GWP), 80% of world trade, and two-thirds of the world population. After its inaugural leaders' summit in 2008, the leaders of the G-20 announced that the group would replace the G-8 as the main economic council of nations. | Read More » | Related to "Group of 20 (G-20)" | | European Union (EU) | The European Union (EU) is a group of countries that acts as one economic unit in the world economy. Its official currency is the euro. | Read More » | | Trade War | Trade wars can commence if one country perceives a competitor nation has unfair trading practices. | Read More » | | | | | CONNECT WITH INVESTOPEDIA | | | | | |
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