Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lessons From the Pros

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Lessons From The Pros November 11, 2019
Featured  |  By Brandon Wendell
Flag Patterns and How to Trade Them
Prices do not simply move up and down on a chart. Even when the security is in a trend, price will move with the trend, pause and correct, and then continue in the trend direction. Often there will be a pattern observed on the chart when price is in the pausing mode. Understanding and recognizing…read more
Options  |  By Russ Allen
Options: Explanation of Rolling out a Position
Many traders use the selling of options as an income-generating device. A question that comes up in this connection is when, and whether, to do what is called rolling out your position. Selling an option position that has not yet expired in order to buy another option position that has more time to expiration is called rolling out an option position… read more
Education Resource  |  By Diana Hill
A Few Facts About Credit Scores
Your credit score can mean the difference between being approved for credit and being denied. A bad credit score can also cause lending institutions to see you as a risk and cost you money in the form of higher interest rates. Knowing the top credit reporting agencies and their credit rating scale is an important… read more
The Week Ahead  |  By Merlin Rothfeld
Will End of Year Markets Show Optimism?
Typically there is a boost in the markets with the end of year holiday bustle. The coming week, however, starts off pretty quiet.
Will End of Year Markets Show Optimism?
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