Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Resistance Firms Ahead of Labor Report

Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Focus on the price with John Jagerson, CFA, CMT

Chart Advisor | Focus on the Price

By John Jagerson, CFA, CMT

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

1. Oil inventories build more than expected

2. Growth concerns worsen in Europe

3. Get ready for a big Brexit week

Major Moves

Trading was aimless during today's session as economic and earnings data was released below expectations. While there was plenty of bad news, some of the media's hand-wringing was a great example of post-hoc rationalization. This was particularly true in the energy sector.


Each Wednesday, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) releases a report of oil inventories held by commercial firms in the US. Like most weekly reports, the data can be very 'noisy' with wide swings from week to week. In a bullish oil market, we would like to see inventories fall because purchases and shipping is picking up.


The weekly oil inventory report swung back hard today to show an increase of 7.1MM barrels versus a decrease of -8.6MM barrels last week. When the two data-points are added together, we see a small net decrease over the last two weeks that is more likely to be an accurate reflection of the market. Most traders expected today's news after inventories were reported shockingly low last week. It is normal to see a reversion back to the mean and should not be cause for alarm.


As you can see in the following chart, oil is down again today, but still flat since breaking out of an inverted head and shoulders pattern on February 15th. Reading the headlines might lead you to believe that the oil inventory report is the proximate cause of today's decline, but, from a technical perspective, I think that assumption is unjustified.


S&P 500

Regardless of the "reason" for oil's decline today, the decline didn't do anything to help the S&P 500 break its own level of resistance. The market declined again today after being rejected at short term resistance in the $2800 range. I still expect this to be a short-term correction, but there are some issues that could contribute to additional selling this week.


The US trade balance numbers were released today with a greater deficit than at any point in the last 10-years. Trade data lags other related economic releases so the numbers weren't a surprise. However, because the US/China trade deal is continuing to act as a source of uncertainty, news like this is likely to set traders a little on edge.


There are reports that President Trump is pressuring his trade negotiators to complete a deal with China in order to relieve some of that pressure on the markets. That may be a good thing, but it could still be a week or two at best before details are available.


My biggest concern for the market's performance this week remains the labor report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Friday. ADP, a private payroll and employment management company, reported their own version of the BLS report this morning and missed expectations by a small margin. The ADP and BLS reports are different enough that I wouldn't suggest that this guarantees as big miss on Friday, but it is very likely to be a disappointment as the data swings lower after huge positive surprises over the last two months.


Risk Indicators - Troubled European Banks

From a risk perspective, I believe that a strong dollar remains the greatest source of uncertainty facing the market. Its strength is one of the reasons the trade balance was so negative over the last few months and it will likely drag on earnings data in the first quarter.


As I mentioned in prior Chart Advisor issues, the problems with a strong dollar are not exclusively due to the Fed's interest rate policy. The other side of the dollar's value is the value of the currencies it is being compared to. "The dollar index" is the dollar's value compared to a trade-weighted basket of other major currencies. More than half of that basket is the euro, British pound, and Japanese yen. Therefore, even if investors are neutral on the dollar, but very bearish about the euro and pound, the dollar will rise as its counterparts fall.


Bloomberg reported today that the European Central Bank (ECB) will be cutting its growth forecast in an announcement on Thursday morning such that it will be low enough to justify a new round of long-term loans to the big banks in Europe. On the one hand, that is good because European Banks are still under significant financial stress following the 2008 financial crisis and Greek debt crisis in 2011-2013; on the other hand, this is a sign that European growth is in decline.


As a risk indicator, I will be looking for any signs of strength (or worsening weakness,) in the big European financial institutions. I think Deutsche Bank (DB) would serve this purpose well because its intrinsic financial stability is so poor and therefore should be very sensitive to subtle changes in trader sentiment. As you can see in the following chart, DB is stuck at resistance and has just started to turn lower. If the stock reverses and breaks resistance, that would be a "risk-on" signal for the market. Any additional losses will instead eat away further at investor confidence and should be treated as a signal for caution.


Bottom line: Non-bearish is bullish

As I mentioned in Monday's Chart Advisor newsletter, the labor report on Friday is probably the biggest news we will see this week and should set the tone for the month of March. In addition to Friday's report, the latest round of Brexit negotiations with the EU will be over by Sunday night in order to give the UK parliament time to vote on the measure on Tuesday.


The Tuesday Brexit vote has a good chance of failing which would then require members to vote on a "no deal" version or "hard" Brexit on Wednesday. There are a lot of variables at play related to next week's Brexit votes that could worsen the economic outlook for the UK, EU, and further strengthen the dollar. While I remain cautiously biased to the upside in the short-term, Brexit and labor will probably keep the major stock indexes flat or negative over the next few trading sessions.

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