Saturday, August 1, 2015

Three Currencies Benefiting From Low Oil Prices

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August 1, 2015

In This Week's Issue

Forex Theory FAQs

Three Currencies Benefiting From Low Oil Prices How do I set a strike price in foreign exchange trading?
3 Major Changes Resulting From Iran's Nuclear Deal Is a person registered for Financial Instruments Business eligible to...
The Impact of Exchange Rates on Japan's Economy Should investors worry about the budget deficit?
Countries Where Bitcoin Is Legal & Illegal Does M1 include foreign currency?
Understanding Forex Risk Management What are key economic factors that can cause currency depreciation in a country?
Is the Iraqi Dinar Investment a Wise Investment? How can I get a "pensionado" visa to retire in Costa Rica?

Three Currencies Benefiting From Low Oil Prices

As of July 23, 2015, crude oil (West Texas Intermediate) was trading below $50, a decline of more than 50% from its multi-year high of...

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3 Major Changes Resulting From Iran's Nuclear Deal

On Tuesday, after 20 months of arduous negotiations, Iran and the P5+1, comprised of the United States, Russia, China, France, Great Britain and...

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Forex Trading 101

The Impact of Exchange Rates on Japan's Economy

There have been some violent swings between the Japanese yen and other currencies exchange rate in...

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Countries Where Bitcoin Is Legal & Illegal

The peer-to-peer digital currency Bitcoin made its debut in 2009 and with it ushered in a new era of cryptocurrency. Today, there are more than 500...

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Forex Trading Strategies

Understanding Forex Risk Management

Trading is the exchange of goods or services between two or more parties. So if you need gasoline for your car, then you would trade your...

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Forex Brokers

Is the Iraqi Dinar Investment a Wise Investment?

What does it mean to "invest" in the Iraqi dinar? In simple terms, it's conducted in the same fashion as any...

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