Friday, March 14, 2014

How Financial Advisors Mistreat Women (And What Women Can Do About It)

March 14, 2014
In This Week's Issue
How Financial Advisors Mistreat Women (And What Women Can Do About It)
Getting Acquainted With Treasury Stock
How Restricted Stock And RSUs Are Taxed
Calculating Risk and Reward
Getting Started In Stocks
Diversification Beyond Stocks
Introduction To Trading Eurodollar Futures
Understanding Taxation Of Foreign Investments
How Financial Advisors Mistreat Women (And What Women Can Do About It)
Since the 1950s, women have increasingly assumed the breadwinner role in the household, yet many of them...
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Getting Acquainted With Treasury Stock
Offering stock to the public is often an effective way to raise capital, but there are certain times when a company may...
How Restricted Stock And RSUs Are Taxed
Employee compensation is a major expenditure for most corporations; therefore, many firms find it easier to pay at least...
Calculating Risk and Reward
Are you a risk taker? When you're an individual trader in the stock market, one of the few safety devices...
Getting Started In Stocks
So you've decided to invest in the stock market. Congratulations! Historically, investing in stocks has handily outperformed...
Diversification Beyond Stocks
One thing even the newest investor understands, or has at least heard of, about a portfolio is diversification...
Introduction To Trading Eurodollar Futures
Easily confused with the currency pair EUR/USD or Euro FX futures, eurodollars have nothing to do with Europe's single...
Understanding Taxation Of Foreign Investments
For many of today's investors, diversification goes beyond owning companies in a variety of industries - it means adding...
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Investopedia Features:
1. Playing The Growth In Natural Gas Powered Vehicles
2. Retirement Tax Changes For 2014
3. Ways To Indirectly Invest In Tesla's Momentum
4. Obama Budget Released: Who Are The Winners And Losers?
5. Money Market Funds: Enough Regulation Already?
1. What does churning mean?
2. What is an absolute rate?
3. What burst the Mississippi bubble?
4. Can I still make money with a couch-potato portfolio?
5. Is there short selling in China?
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Explaining Underwater Loans APR vs. APY Understanding Compound Interest Reverse Mortgage Overnight Rate
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