Friday, March 21, 2014

Is Homeownership A Smart Investment Again?

March 21, 2014
In This Week's Issue
Is Homeownership A Smart Investment Again?
Key Takeaways From Warren Buffett's Annual Letters To Shareholders
The Real Secret To Microsoft's Success
Can Tweets And Facebook Posts Predict Stock Behavior?
Reverse Mortgages 101
An Introduction To Stock Market Indexes
Getting Acquainted With Treasury Stock
Mutual Funds: Does Size Really Matter?
Is Homeownership A Smart Investment Again?
One year ago, Trulia's Rent vs. Buy Report, released by online real estate aggregator Trulia...
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Key Takeaways From Warren Buffett's Annual Letters To Shareholders
For any serious investor, there is one weekend out of the year that you mark on your calendar. Around the last weekend in February or...
The Real Secret To Microsoft's Success
For people of a certain persuasion, it's fun to make fun of Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT). It's outdated and occasionally bloated software. An operating system version...
Can Tweets And Facebook Posts Predict Stock Behavior?
On November 11, 2013, a few minutes after 8 a.m. EST, news leaked out from a Canadian newspaper that Blackberry's $4.7 billion...
Reverse Mortgages 101
My grandfather liked to use clever sayings to make a point. One of his favorites was...
An Introduction To Stock Market Indexes
It's not unusual for people to talk about "the market" as if there were a common meaning for the word. But in reality, the many indexes...
Getting Acquainted With Treasury Stock
Offering stock to the public is often an effective way to raise capital, but there are certain times when a company may want to reign...
Mutual Funds: Does Size Really Matter?
Open-ended mutual funds have a great track record of expanding to mammoth sizes quickly as investors flock to these growing funds. But it is possible for funds...
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Investopedia Features:
1. Six Ways Your Tax Preparer Knows You're Lying
2. Can Tweets And Facebook Posts Predict Stock Behavior?
3. America Launches Its First Bitcoin ATMs : Q&A With Liberty Teller Co-Founder
4. Americans Are Borrowing More To Buy Cars - But Should They Be?
5. Gold Gets Its Mojo Back
1. Why are most bonds traded on the secondary market "over the counter"?
2. Why is debt issued in both temporary and permanent forms?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds?
4. What is the difference between a Ponzi and a pyramid scheme?
5. What is a "wash sale"?
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