Thursday, March 20, 2014

Term of the Day: Half Commission Man

March 20, 2014
Half Commission Man
A half commission man is an individual who introduces clients to stock brokers or other market professionals in exchange for an agreed upon percentage of any commissions earned as a result of the new client. Although a stock broker must share some of his or her commissions, the theory is that the broker will come out ahead due to an increase in the number or quality of clients.
Investopedia Says:
A half commission man can either work for a specific stock broker or be a freelancer. They earn money by establishing relationships ...Learn more
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Related FAQs:
1. What is a typical day in the life of a stockbroker, from start to finish?
2. What do the "BxA" numbers on my brokerage's trading screen mean?
3. Why won't my broker allow me to sell one stock and buy another on the same day?
4. If everyone is selling in a bear market, does your broker have to buy your shares from you? If so, won't he be losing his shirt?
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